

Victim – Davida I Peterson

On the evening of May 8th, 1999 an unknown suspect or suspects entered the V-1 Convenience store and shot forty-year old clerk Davida Peterson during an apparent robbery. The shooting took place on the Saturday before Mother's Day. Peterson survived for one week short of a year and died on April 29th, 2000 as a result of a gunshot wound to the head.

Between March of 1999 and July of 1999 several similar robberies were committed in Utah and Idaho. Suspects in those robberies were believed to be driving an early ‘70’s model, two-toned Chevrolet pickup truck.

(The truck shown below was involved in the Utah cases.)

Information has been received that one of the Utah suspects had ties to Rock Springs and was known to frequent the area during the same time period as the V-1 Robbery.

If you have any information on this case, please contact Sergeant Steve Reekers at

Rock Springs Police Department


Information may also be submitted through this website here.

All information may be submitted on an anonymous basis.