
Jurisdiction -  

Pursuant to Wyo.Stat. § 9-1-618(a), DCI may conduct criminal investigations at the request of a local police department, sheriff's office or the county or district attorney of jurisdiction. Pursuant to Wyo.Stat. § 9-1-618(b), DCI shall conduct investigations at the direction of the Governor, violations of the Wyoming Controlled Substance Act and organized criminal activity that crosses jurisdictional boundaries of local law enforcement agencies. DCI will also investigate violations of computer crimes as specified in Wyo.Stat. § 6-3-501 through 6-3-505, and suspected violations involving the sexual exploitation of children as specified in Wyo.Stat. § 6-4-303.  DCI will investigate land transactions that may be a threat to national or state security and will investigate domestic terrorism or disasters related to homeland security.

Regional Enforcement Teams - 

The Regional Enforcement Teams are a cooperative local and state effort funded through the Justice Assistance Grant Program through the United States Department of Justice, with additional support through the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area and Organized Crime/Drug Enforcement Task Force Program. The Regional Enforcement Teams investigate controlled substance and violent crimes, and work closely with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). There are five Regional Enforcement Teams comprised of local and state law enforcement officers (Task Force Officers, or TFOs) that provide statewide investigation coverage. The Regional Enforcement Team program began in 1988 and their locations and contact information are:

Northeast Enforcement Team: Gillette (307-682-1796) and Sheridan (307-672-8979)

Northwest Enforcement Team: Riverton (307-856-0918) and Powell (307-754-9040)

Central Enforcement Team: Casper (307-261-2194) and Rawlins (307-324-0020)

Southeast Enforcement Team: Cheyenne (307-778-1560) and Laramie (307-721-3564)

Southwest Enforcement Team: Afton (307-886-5220), Evanston (307-789-6378), and Rock Springs (307-352-2670)

Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Team

The ICAC Team is located in Cheyenne, Casper and Rock Springs Regional Enforcement Offices and is comprised of DCI Special Agents, a forensic specialist, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Agents. The ICAC team concentrates on the use of the Internet to exploit children. The agents are trained in Internet undercover operations as well as computer forensic examinations. The team is partially funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Wyoming Information Analysis Team (WIAT)

The primary purpose of the Wyoming Information Analysis Team is to collect, analyze, and disseminate criminal intelligence and other information providing support to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies pertaining to the State of Wyoming pursuant to Wyo.Stat. § 9-1-627 and 28 CFR Part 23.  A major goal of WIAT is to identify, document, and disseminate criminal intelligence concerning persons involved in organized crime, terrorist groups, and those crimes involving multi-jurisdictional or serial crimes, as well as provide investigative support to our criminal justice partners. 

Unsolved Cases, Homicides, Suspicious Circumstances

Frequently Asked Questions:

Matt Waldock

Commander of Regional Enforcement and OIS Teams. 

Ryan Cox

 Commander of WIAT, ICAC, Headquarters, and Cold Case Teams