1. When can the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) investigate?
DCI has original jurisdiction to conduct investigations involving violations of the Wyoming Controlled Substance Act and violations involving organized criminal activity across jurisdictional boundaries. DCI will also investigate violations of computer crimes and suspected violations involving the sexual exploitation of children. DCI will investigate land transactions that may be a threat to national or state security and will investigate domestic terrorism or disasters related to homeland security. When it involves other crimes, DCI must be requested to investigate by a municipal, county, state or federal law enforcement agency, county or district attorney or upon direction of the Governor.
2. Can I ask DCI to conduct an investigation?
No, a request must be made by municipal, county, state or federal law enforcement agency, county or district attorney or upon direction of the Governor for DCI to conduct a criminal investigation unless it involves drug or organized crime activity.
3. I have a complaint regarding local law enforcement, who do I talk to?
We suggest you make your complaint to that law enforcement agency so it can be resolved at that level. If that fails, we suggest you contact the County or District Attorney of jurisdiction with your complaint.
4. I have information regarding a crime, who do I report it to?
We suggest you report it to your local County Sheriff Office or Police Department, local Crime Stoppers or other crime tip lines. DCI will take information regarding crimes and provide the information to local law enforcement agencies.
5. Can I report drug crimes to DCI?
Yes. DCI should also be notified in cases involving the sexual exploitation of children.
6. Where is DCI located?
DCI's Headquarters is in Cheyenne, with field offices in the following locations:
Northeast Enforcement Team: Gillette (307-682-1796) and Sheridan (307-672-8979)
Northwest Enforcement Team: Riverton (307-856-0918) and Powell (307-754-9040)
Central Enforcement Team: Casper (307-261-2194) and Rawlins (307-324-0020)
Southeast Enforcement Team: Cheyenne (307-778-1560) and Laramie (307-721-3564)
Southwest Enforcement Team: Afton (307-886-5220), Evanston (307-789-6378), and Rock Springs (307-352-2670)